Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to Train a Dog to Walk With a Stroller

Train a Dog to Walk With a Stroller
Train a Dog to Walk With a Stroller

Walking is excellent exercise for dogs and humans. When a baby is welcomed into a family, the dog can sometimes lose out on their walks because it seems difficult to walk a dog with a stroller. Taking the time to train a dog to walk with a stroller is beneficial to the entire family. Everyone in the family can continue to enjoy the exercise of a good walk.


Things You'll Need:

  • Stroller
  • Leash
  • Dog treats

    Steps to Helping a Dog Walk With a Stroller

  1. Step 1

    Attach a 4- to 6-foot leash to the dog's collar. Ensure that the leash is not tangled and hold the leash loosely in your hand. Most dogs are trained to walk on the left, so place the dog to the left of the stroller and begin walking. Your dog should walk next to you, or slightly behind the stroller wheels.

  2. Step 2

    Walk the dog with an empty stroller. You want the dog to get used to the stroller before you also have to worry about the child in the stroller. Don't mind the funny looks you might get! Keep on walking and looking ahead. If you continue to focus on walking forward, your dog will follow. If your dog starts to pull away, or becomes distracted, tug lightly on the leash and continue walking. Offer plenty of praise when the dog walks alongside you.

  3. Step 3

    Teach the dog to sit when the stroller stops. When you stop walking, command your dog to sit. If the dog doesn't immediately sit, push lightly on the dog's hindquarters to guide her into a sitting position. Reward her with a treat or praise. Begin to walk again, and your dog will get up and follow. If your dog sits briefly, you can begin walking as soon as she stands. Repeat often during your first walks to reinforce this behavior. In the future, when you meet others or need to stop at a busy street, your dog will sit whenever you stop, keeping everyone safe.

  4. Step 4

    Put the baby in the stroller after you've walked your dog with an empty stroller a few times. Your dog has gotten used to walking alongside the stroller, so these first walks with the baby should go smoothly. Continue to praise good behavior and reinforce sitting when stopped.

  5. Step 5

    Remove the leash when your dog is consistently walking with the stroller and sitting when you stop. He should walk well alongside your stroller and be a wonderful walking companion. Do not do this if the leash laws in your community do not allow dogs to be off-leash.

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